VZ na základě RD " Bezhotovostní odběr pohonných hmot u čerpacích stanic formou karet na 48 měsíců"

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ11. 08. 2020ČEPRO, a.s.26 597 131,0021 981 100,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailČEPRO, a.s.Praha

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ518 476,04428 492,68
KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ523 890,91432 967,70
KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ278 989,61230 569,93
KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ288 590,30238 504,37
KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ226 827,10187 460,44
KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ244 656,35202 195,31
KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ570 679,07471 635,69
KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ3121202269 497,5657 435,98
KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ3112202370 852,1058 555,56
KRPH-62990-3/ČJ-2020-0500NE-VZ3112202350 334,3041 598,54