Poskytování služeb datové sítě 2020-2022

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSML/195/20/02310. 09. 2020ha-vel internet s.r.o.1 463 616,001 209 600,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailT-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.Praha1 592 553,601 316 160,00CZK
DetailČeské Radiokomunikace a.s.Praha1 979 656,801 636 080,00CZK
Detailha-vel internet s.r.o.Ostrava1 463 616,001 209 600,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

SML/195/20/0232022669 462,75553 275,00
SML/195/20/0232021731 445,00604 500,00
SML/195/20/023202060 984,0050 400,00