Nymburk, Tyršova 447

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailŘK-554/2020-SML06. 01. 2021JON.CZ s.r.o.112 675,2093 120,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailJON.CZ s.r.o.PrahaCZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

ŘK-554/2020-SML2 347,401 940,00
ŘK-554/2020-SML2 347,401 940,00
ŘK-554/2020-SML2 347,401 940,00
ŘK-554/2020-SML2 347,401 940,00
ŘK-554/2020-SML2 347,401 940,00
ŘK-554/2020-SML2 347,401 940,00
ŘK-554/2020-SML2 347,401 940,00
ŘK-554/2020-SML2 347,401 940,00
ŘK-554/2020-SML2 347,401 940,00
ŘK-554/2020-SML4 694,803 880,00