Úprava křižovatky ulic Pančava a Boněcko I.

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

Show detail
Detail440020138914. 12. 2020PORR a.s.1 203 543,65994 664,17CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

Show detail
DetailSWIETELSKY stavební s.r.o.České Budějovice1 224 980,901 012 380,91CZK
DetailBronislav SedláčekPrakšice1 223 033,021 010 771,09CZK
DetailSTRABAG a.s.Praha1 269 766,741 049 394,00CZK
DetailPORR a.s.Praha1 203 543,65994 664,17CZK
DetailKKS, spol. s r.o.Zlín1 548 913,391 280 093,71CZK
DetailSIMOSTAV, s.r.o.Hodonín1 668 026,011 378 533,89CZK
DetailCOLAS CZ, a.s.Praha1 366 622,401 129 440,00CZK
DetailJASY Vsetín s.r.o.Vsetín1 310 566,731 083 113,00CZK
DetailNavláčil stavební firma, s.r.o.Zlín1 504 030,001 243 000,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

44002013891 203 543,65994 664,17