Nákup rukavic II.

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail---30. 09. 2021S. A. B. Impex, s.r.o.2 078 598,501 717 850,002 078 598,501 717 850,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailS. A. B. Impex, s.r.o.Bedřichovice2 078 598,501 717 850,00
DetailPerfect Distribution a.s.Prostějov2 609 304,502 156 450,00
DetailCANIS PLUS s.r.o.Ostrava2 379 331,901 966 390,00
DetailKORAKOplus, s. r. o.Partizánske2 343 951,501 937 150,00
DetailSTREBL s.r.o.Karlovy Vary2 582 769,202 134 520,00
Detailumbrellaline 2010 s.r.o. Mariánské Hory1 919 386,701 586 270,00