Bezhotovostní odběr PHM formou karet dle RS na r. 2020-2024

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail202026712. 08. 2020ČEPRO, a.s.11 000 000,009 090 909,0911 000 000,009 090 909,09CZK

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Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

20202672024279 113,49230 672,31
20202672024350 604,06289 755,46
20202672024462 441,58382 183,04
20202672024311 578,25257 502,67
20202672024273 473,67226 011,31
20202672023198 134,72163 747,75
20202672023207 923,59171 837,73
20202672023238 786,05197 343,85
20202672023239 904,24198 267,93
20202672023210 482,73173 952,69