Nákup diskového úložiště pro dlouhodobé uložení dat DTM

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail04675/2021/INF05. 11. 2021VÍTKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS a.s.1 196 690,00989 000,001 196 690,00989 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailVÍTKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS a.s.Ostrava1 196 690,00989 000,00
DetailAUTOCONT a.s.Ostrava1 487 090,001 229 000,00
DetailK-net Technical International Group, s.r.o.Brno3 074 029,202 540 520,00
DetailProact Czech Republic, s.r.o.Praha2 429 317,002 007 700,00

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

04675/2021/INF2022995 830,00823 000,00