Dodávky akumulátorů

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ04. 11. 2022Zdeněk Tutr1 815 000,001 500 000,001 815 000,001 500 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailLKQ CZ s.r.o.Praha1 381 888,971 142 057,00CZK
DetailZdeněk TutrVelvary1 776 922,511 468 531,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ7 857,746 494,00
KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ202462 198,8451 404,00
KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ202429 661,9424 514,00
KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ202314 006,9611 576,00
KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ202392 831,2076 720,00
KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ20239 980,088 248,00
KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ20239 123,407 540,00
KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ202352 942,3443 754,00
KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ202320 782,9617 176,00
KRPU-169179-12/ČJ-2022-0400VZ202318 572,2915 349,00