Nákup originálních tonerů OKI

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail7 SPR 21/202210. 11. 2022PREMO s.r.o.144 050,50119 050,00144 050,50119 050,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailPREMO s.r.o.Staré Město144 050,50119 050,00CZK
DetailAKR1 s.r.o.Praha94 204,5577 855,00CZK
DetailDitcom s.r.o.Praha169 569,40140 140,00CZK
DetailSENTA, spol. s r.o.Hradec Králové159 465,90131 790,00CZK
DetailNotes CS a.s.Praha164 021,55135 555,00CZK
DetailPavel DanihelkaVeselí151 613,00125 300,00CZK