Oprava a výměna podlahových krytin v areálech KŘP Msk

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPT-216177-22/ČJ-2022-0700VZ23. 02. 2023All Podlahy s.r.o.1 815 000,001 500 000,001 815 000,001 500 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailAll Podlahy s.r.o.Opava3 412,202 820,00CZK
DetailM&T stavební spol. s.r.o.4 428,603 660,00CZK
DetailAF Stav Krnov s.r.o.Krnov4 036,323 335,80CZK
DetailTomáš VykoukalStarý Jičín5 299,804 380,00CZK
DetailZdeněk VicherekOstrava2 392,171 977,00CZK
DetailSpektro BF, spol. s r.o.Ostrava4 859,364 016,00CZK
DetailMETOSA GROUP s.r.o.Krnov4 267,433 526,80CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPT-216177-22/ČJ-2022-0700VZ202346 618,8838 528,00
KRPT-216177-22/ČJ-2022-0700VZ202326 172,3021 630,00
KRPT-216177-22/ČJ-2022-0700VZ2023126 955,62104 922,00
KRPT-216177-22/ČJ-2022-0700VZ202339 507,7132 651,00
KRPT-216177-22/ČJ-2022-0700VZ202315 618,0812 907,50
KRPT-216177-22/ČJ-2022-0700VZ2023204 273,71168 821,25