VZ č.1/2024 Autobusy kat. M3 meziměstské 2024

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

Show detail
Detail2312100064115. 09. 2023TEZAS servis a.s.98 007 580,0080 998 000,0098 007 580,0080 998 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailScania Czech Republic s.r.o.Chrášťany6 588 450,005 445 000,00CZK
DetailTEZAS servis a.s.Praha4 900 379,004 049 900,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

23121000641202498 007 580,0080 998 000,00