Likvidace kuchyňského odpadu

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detailč.j.VPŠH-1029-/2023-EU17. 05. 2023EFG Waste logistic s.r.o.5,694,705,694,70CZK

Published Documents

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Detailč.j.VPŠH-1029-/2023-EUSmlouva o likvidaci odpaduSmlouva23. 05. 2023 08:48Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailEFG Waste logistic s.r.o.Praha
DetailRONYTRANS, s.r.o.Brno

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

č.j.VPŠH-1029-/2023-EU2024128 617,19106 295,20
č.j.VPŠH-1029-/2023-EU2023147 662,96122 035,50