Výzva k podání nabídky č. 1006

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

Show detail
Detail100624. 05. 2023ALEX Fémbútor Kft.1 109 908,80917 280,001 109 908,80917 280,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailKANONAPraha 41 860 665,401 537 740,00CZK
DetailINTERIER TECH s.r.o.Český Brod1 202 049,09993 429,00CZK
DetailArtspect a.s.Praha1 793 785,071 482 467,00CZK
DetailALEX Fémbútor Kft.Zsámbék1 109 908,80917 280,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

10062024917 280,00917 280,00