Domov pro seniory Napajedla, p.o. – odstranění havarijního stavu střešního pláště

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2023072525. 07. 2023PĚLUCHA střechy s.r.o.6 333 143,005 507 080,876 333 143,005 507 080,87CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailPĚLUCHA střechy s.r.o.Třebětice6 333 143,005 507 080,87CZK
DetailB.H.S. BOHEMIA, a.s.Praha5 898 840,745 129 426,73CZK
DetailBLUELADDER Construction s.r.o.Pravčice5 956 338,005 179 424,35CZK
DetailNEO BUILDER a. s.Praha7 632 503,026 636 959,15CZK
DetailGRETES s.r.o.Babice7 160 187,506 226 250,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

2023072520234 678 697,834 068 432,90