Krmivo pro služební psy

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPC-125476/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL06. 11. 2023Dibaq a.s.950 446,50826 458,00950 446,50826 458,00CZK

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DetailDibaq a.s.Helvíkovice950 446,50826 458,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPC-125476/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL78 812,7670 368,53
KRPC-125476/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL2 455,202 192,14
KRPC-125476/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL13 782,6012 305,89
KRPC-125476/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL32 190,7228 741,71
KRPC-125476/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL6 300,005 625,00
KRPC-125476/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL22 602,7220 181,00