Dodání kamer AXIS (II)

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail904077042.00.000/KRPA-316777/ČJ-2023-0000TO05. 12. 2023LENIA spol. s r. o.182 986,10151 228,18182 986,10151 228,18CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailLENIA spol. s r. o.Praha182 986,10151 228,18CZK
DetailTrade Corporation s.r.o.Praha262 570,00217 000,00CZK
DetailThein Systems a.s.Brno248 042,74204 994,00CZK
DetailESCAD Trade s.r.o.Praha192 414,20159 020,00CZK
Detail100MEGA Distribution s.r.o.Brno247 706,00204 720,00CZK