Dodávka mobilních telefonů a příslušenství 1-2024

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPE-25793/ČJ-2024-1700VZ24. 04. 2024TelTrade s.r.o.473 322,96391 176,00473 322,96391 176,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailXEVOS Solutions s.r.o.Ostrava589 802,40487 440,00CZK
DetailThein Systems a.s.Brno626 847,76518 056,00CZK
DetailAUROTON COMPUTER, spol. s r.o.Praha550 985,60455 360,00CZK a.s.Praha599 668,00495 593,72CZK
DetailTelTrade s.r.o.Ostrava473 322,96391 176,00CZK
DetailS E T O S spol. s r.o.Praha563 182,40465 440,00CZK
DetailAMENDOIM s.r.o.Dolní Břežany434 690,08359 248,00CZK
DetailNetfox s.r.o.Praha601 670,08497 248,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPE-25793/ČJ-2024-1700VZ473 322,96391 176,00