Spektiv-monokulární pozorovací dalekohled

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail24217000004026. 06. 2024CAIRO CZ spol. s r.o.437 814,30361 830,00437 814,30361 830,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailSTK SLATINA a.s.Brno619 495,80511 980,00CZK
DetailSPECIAL PRO FORCE 1 s.r.o.Litoměřice525 987,00434 700,00CZK
DetailCAIRO CZ spol. s r.o.Frenštát pod Radhoštěm437 814,30361 830,00CZK
DetailTSUNAMI, spol. s r.o.Litoměřice556 479,00459 900,00CZK