Oprava turistického chodníku Pod Petrovou boudou – Moravská bouda

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSMLJ-24-3126/202422. 08. 2024RoČe stav s.r.o.420 051,50347 150,00420 051,50347 150,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailKAMPA - MARYNKA s.r.o.Jilemnice798 418,15659 850,00CZKNo
DetailRoČe stav s.r.o.Kladno420 051,50347 150,00CZKYes
DetailŠTĚPÁNEK, spol. s r.o.Opočno1 024 589,00846 768,00CZKNo
DetailForest Constructions s.r.o.Liberec481 580,00398 000,00CZKNo
DetailRUFALES s.r.o.Praha518 270,00428 323,00CZKNo