Okres Třebíč

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPJ-127471-15/ČJ-2023-1600VZ04. 12. 2023Global Klima Servis s.r.o.12 499,3010 330,0012 499,3010 330,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailNEKO KLIMA, s.r.o.Jihlava23 755,9319 633,00CZK
DetailLcom s.r.o.Pardubice41 261,0034 100,00CZK
DetailGlobal Klima Servis s.r.o.Brno12 499,3010 330,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPJ-127471-15/ČJ-2023-1600VZ20245 524,864 566,00
KRPJ-127471-15/ČJ-2023-1600VZ202418 526,3115 311,00
KRPJ-127471-15/ČJ-2023-1600VZ202410 466,508 650,00
KRPJ-127471-15/ČJ-2023-1600VZ20242 032,801 680,00