HZS KHk - objednávka na zajištění poskytnutí tiskových služeb

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail90406912307. 02. 2023RICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.1 208 964,24999 144,001 208 964,24999 144,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailRICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.Praha0,000,00

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

904069123202318 029,6914 900,57
904069123202311 443,679 457,58
904069123202321 315,2817 615,93
904069123202316 452,5613 597,16
904069123202317 730,9414 653,67
904069123202317 284,0914 284,37
904069123202317 551,7314 505,56
904069123202319 090,8515 777,56