KŘP Lbk - Liberec, Pastýřská 698, autodílny - DÚR

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detailkrpl-6488-14/čj-2024-1800VZ05. 04. 2024kcarch s.r.o.779 780,87644 447,00779 780,87644 447,00CZK

Published Documents

No records to be displayed in this list.

Amendments to the Contract/Agreement

123. 09. 2024https://smlouvy.gov.cz/smlouva/302402040,000,00

List of Participants

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Detailkcarch s.r.o.PrahaYes
DetailDESIGN 4 - projekty staveb, s.r.o.LiberecNo