Obnova a doplnění hardware GIS PČR

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailČ.j.: PPR-12023-14/ČJ-2024-99065624. 04. 2024Thein Systems a.s.786 774,67650 227,00786 774,67650 227,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailYOUR SYSTEM, spol.s r.o.Praha1 026 382,50848 250,00CZK
DetailNextis Services s.r.o.Ostrava724 038,59598 379,00CZK
DetailThein Systems a.s.Brno786 774,67650 227,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

Č.j.: PPR-12023-14/ČJ-2024-9906562024786 774,67650 227,00