HS Znojmo - hala - III. etapa dokončovací práce

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail62-2-9542/202426. 07. 2024DS DUMA s.r.o.1 047 057,36865 336,661 047 057,36865 336,66CZK

Published Documents

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Detail62-2-9542/202462_2_9542_2024_DS DUMA.a.pdfSmlouva29. 07. 2024 08:51Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailDS DUMA s.r.o.Jaroslavice1 047 057,36865 336,66CZKYes
DetailS-A-S STAVBY spol. s r.o.Znojmo1 449 763,271 198 151,46CZKNo

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

62-2-9542/20241 047 057,36865 336,66