Nákup projektoru

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPK-40456-16/ČJ-2024-1900VZ24. 06. 2024Nextis Services s.r.o.19 962,5816 498,0019 962,5816 498,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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Detailcopy&media s.r.o.Praha21 283,9017 590,00CZK
DetailNextis Services s.r.o.Ostrava19 962,5816 498,00CZK
DetailVV TOP s.r.o.Brno23 088,0119 081,00CZK
DetailNetfox s.r.o.Praha20 255,4016 740,00CZK
DetailAMENDOIM s.r.o.Dolní Břežany13 478,1911 139,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPK-40456-16/ČJ-2024-1900VZ202419 962,5816 498,00