Odběr PHM formou karet dle RD

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailO125/CB/202022. 10. 2020ČEPRO, a.s.0,000,00CZK

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DetailČEPRO, a.s.Praha

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

O125/CB/20202024765 443,04632 597,63
O125/CB/20202023694 206,40615 865,26
O125/CB/20202022853 752,98705 581,26
O125/CB/2020202120 506,0016 947,10
O125/CB/2020202119 518,5116 130,98
O125/CB/2020202113 066,5910 798,84
O125/CB/2020202122 245,5018 384,71
O125/CB/2020202129 658,0024 510,74
O125/CB/2020202115 318,1312 659,61
O125/CB/2020202117 750,8414 670,11