Část 2 VZ - Technická oponentura a testování SW

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail23019916. 09. 2024DELTA ADVISORY a.s.5 203 000,004 300 000,005 203 000,004 300 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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Detail230199Outsourcing IT rolí II._část 2_sig - pro ISRS.pdfSmlouva20. 09. 2024 23:37Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailDELTA ADVISORY a.s.Praha515 460,00426 000,00CZKYes
DetailBluePool s.r.o.Praha700 735,20579 120,00CZKNo
DetailDeepview s.r.o.Praha621 456,00513 600,00CZKNo
DetailPrincipal engineering s.r.o.Praha580 074,00479 400,00CZKNo