Bezhotovostní odběr pohonných hmot formou karet pro roky 2020 až 2024

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPP-84743-3/ČJ-2020-0300AO-VZ11. 08. 2020ČEPRO, a.s.127 000 000,00104 958 678,00127 000 000,00104 958 678,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailČEPRO, a.s.Praha0,000,00Yes

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPP-84743-3/ČJ-2020-0300AO-VZ20201 294 878,921 070 148,09
KRPP-84743-3/ČJ-2020-0300AO-VZ20201 288 317,711 064 725,43
KRPP-84743-3/ČJ-2020-0300AO-VZ20201 288 548,031 064 915,27